set(5): Fountains , While I Wait , The Greatness of Our God , Doxology , , I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
I Stand in Awe
By: Mark Altrogge
Key: A
Verse 1:
        A                        Amaj7         D             A
You are beautiful beyond descrip-tion      too marvelous for words
    A             E/G#   F#m           Bm7                  E       C#7
Too wonderful for compre-hension like nothing ever seen or heard
        F#m                  D
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom
        F#m                        E
Who can fathom the depths of Your love
        A                   Amaj7            D     E         A    E
You are beautiful beyond de-scription, majes-ty en-throned a-bove

      A        E/G#     D
And I stand, I stand in awe of You
  A        E/G#     D
I stand, I stand in awe of You
     A      C#        F#m     E  D
Holy God to whom all praise is due
  Bm7      E      A
I stand in awe of You