set(7): Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome , The Power of Your Love , Came to My Rescue , Surrounded / Rock of Ages , Here For You , , Deep Cries Out , Joy to the World
I Stand in Awe
By: Mark Altrogge
Key: Ab
Verse 1:
        Ab                        Abmaj7         Db             Ab
You are beautiful beyond descrip-tion      too marvelous for words
    Ab             Eb/G   Fm           Bbm7                  Eb       C7
Too wonderful for compre-hension like nothing ever seen or heard
        Fm                  Db
Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom
        Fm                        Eb
Who can fathom the depths of Your love
        Ab                   Abmaj7            Db     Eb         Ab    Eb
You are beautiful beyond de-scription, majes-ty en-throned a-bove

      Ab        Eb/G     Db
And I stand, I stand in awe of You
  Ab        Eb/G     Db
I stand, I stand in awe of You
     Ab      C        Fm     Eb  Db
Holy God to whom all praise is due
  Bbm7      Eb      Ab
I stand in awe of You