set(7): Holy Spirit, Thou Art Welcome , The Power of Your Love , Came to My Rescue , Surrounded / Rock of Ages , Above All , , Deep Cries Out , Joy to the World
By: Jack Hayford
Key: Ab
Ab                    Db       Ab/C Bbm7
Majesty, worship His majesty
     Ab            Fm                Bbm7   Eb7
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise
Ab                   Db       Ab/C Bbm7
Majesty, kingdom au-thority
Db/Eb           Ab
Flow from His throne
         Eb7              Ab
Unto His own, His anthem raise

Ab  Ab/C  Bbm7            Eb7               Ab
So ex - alt lift up on high the name of Jesus
Ab     Ab/C  Bbm7            Eb7                  C    Bbm7  Eb7
Mag - ni - fy, come glori-fy Christ Jesus the King
Ab            Gb        Db      Ab/C Bbm7
Majesty, wor-ship His majesty
Db/Eb       Ab              Eb7
Jesus who died now glori-fied
            Db     Ab
King of all kings