set(11): Doxology , Shout to the North , Surrounded (Fight My Battles) , Let My Words Be Few , My Redeemer Lives , You Are Still Holy , Eagle's Wings , Spirit of God (I Can Almost See) , Sanctuary , My Soul Longs For You , , Holy is the Lord
By: Jack Hayford
Key: G
G                    C       G/B Am7
Majesty, worship His majesty
     G            Em                Am7   D7
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise
G                   C       G/B Am7
Majesty, kingdom au-thority
C/D           G
Flow from His throne
         D7              G
Unto His own, His anthem raise

G  G/B  Am7            D7               G
So ex - alt lift up on high the name of Jesus
G     G/B  Am7            D7                  B    Am7  D7
Mag - ni - fy, come glori-fy Christ Jesus the King
G            F        C      G/B Am7
Majesty, wor-ship His majesty
C/D       G              D7
Jesus who died now glori-fied
            C     G
King of all kings