set(6): Revelation Song , I Exalt Thee , First Love , Here As In Heaven , Shout to the North , He's Changing Me ,
Rejoice in the Lord Always
By: Eddie Kim
Key: F
   F            A#      F
Rejoice in the Lord always
         F            A#      F
Again rejoice in the Lord always
          Dm     Am        A#       F
Let your gentle spirit be known to all
   F            A#      F
Rejoice in the Lord always

Verse 1
F               A#              F
Be anxious for nothing but in everything
        Dm            A#          F
Giving thanks to the Lord God Almighty
          F                     A#          F
May the peace of God, which surpasses all knowledge
            Dm         A#            F
Guard your hearts and all of your minds

Verse 2
May you know how to get along with humble means
And to live in prosperity
In any circumstance I have learned the secret
I am strong in the One who strengthens me

Verse 3
At the end of the day I have no control
Only God is my refuge and strength
I will trust in His goodness and believe His word
There is no one greater than He
My God will supply all my needs


   Dm                  A#
Whatever is true, whatever is right
    F                   C
Whatever is pure, it's worthy of fight
Whatever is noble, whatever is lovely
Don't give up, don't give up doing what is right