set(6): Amazed , Hope , , O Come to the Altar , Spirit Break Out , Still , Good to Me
Speak to Me
By: Tommy Walker
Key: A
Verse 1
A                Dmaj7
I am Your servant and I am listening
F#m7      E                 D
Speak to me Lord, speak to me
A                Dmaj7
I need Your wisdom, Your truth and comfort
F#m7      E               Asus  A  A/C#
Speak to me Lord, speak to me

Chorus 1
        D   E/G#       A  F#m7
Speak to me, speak to me
             Dmaj7                E
Through Your Word, through Your Spirit
            G/A      A7  C#7b5
Speak Your words of life
         D  E/G#      C#m7  F#m7
Speak to me, speak to me
      Dmaj7           E
I am listening, I am waiting
         Asus  D/F#  E/G#
Speak to me

Verse 2
I am Your servant and I am listening
Speak to me Lord, speak to me
My heart is silent, my soul is longing
Speak to me Lord, speak to me


Chorus 2 (Alt Chords)
        D   E/G#      A  F#m7
Speak to me, speak to me
             Dmaj7                 E
Through Your Word, through Your Spirit
             G/A    A7 C#7b5
Speak Your words of life
         D  E/G#     C#m7  F#m7
Speak to me, speak to me
      Dmaj7           E
I am listening, I am waiting
         Asus  E/G#  F#m7 A/E
Speak to me

      Dmaj7           E
I am listening, I am waiting
          A  Dmaj7  A  Dmaj7  A
Speak to me