set(6): Fountains , Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) , The More I Seek You , Create in Me , , While I Wait , I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
It Is Well With My Soul (Cover)
By: Hillsong Chapel
Key: Db
Verse 1:
     Db                     Gb  Ab        Db
When peace like a river at-ten-deth my way
     Bbm          Eb           Absus  Ab
When sorrow like sea billows roll
    Db       Gb            Eb            Ab
Whatever my lot You have taught me to say
      Db          Gb    Ab       Db
It is well it is well with my      soul

Verse 2:
    Bbm            Ab            Gb  Ab      Db
But Lord it's for Thee for Thy co-ming we wait
    Bbm          Eb            Absus  Ab
The sky not the grave is our goal
   Db            Gb        Eb            Ab
Oh trump of the angel oh voice of the Lord
        Db            Gb    Ab     Db
Blessed hope blessed rest of my    soul

      Ab            Db
It is well with my     soul
      Gb          Absus Ab       Db
It is well it is well with my     soul

You are the Rock on which I stand
        Bbm          Ab
By Your grace it is well
           Db       (C/E)                   Gb
My hope is    sure            in Christ my     Saviour
      Bbm   Ab        Db
It is well with my      soul