set(6): Revelation Song , I Exalt Thee , First Love , Here As In Heaven , Shout to the North , , Come Thou Fount (Above All Else)
All I Want to Say
By: Eddie Kim
Key: G
Verse 1:
G                 G/B         C
I need You more than       silver or gold
Em                  D        C
Or treasures found on earth
G                  G/B              C
You are the only One worth       living for
Em               D     C
The lover of my soul
Am          G/B           C   Am             G/B            C
Your sacrifice for me           On the cross of Calva-ry
Am        G/B               C           F    C
My hearts full of won-der at this mer - cy... all I want to say is

G                         C
I love You Lord         I love You Lord
Em                            C
That is what I want to say to You
G                          C
Your Spirit Lord         Your Spirit Lord
Em                              C
That is what my heart is hungry for

Verse 2:
G               G/B              C
Rock of Ages that was         cleft for me
Em                D               C
Where the blood and water flows
G                   G/B                C
Your suffer-ing that brings         life to me
Em                D           C
With this love I will go
Am         G/B             C         Am         G/B              C
To bind the broken hearted            to set the captives free
Am         G/B                C          F    C
To claim this time of favor, Your mer - cy... all I want to say is