set(6): Fountains , While I Wait , Hope , Jesus Paid It All , I Sing Praises To Your Name , , I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)
I Will Lift My Hands
By: Vineyard
Key: D
I will worship You, (I will worship You)
D             Gmaj7  A
Worship and a-dore   You
I will worship You, (I will worship You)
D              Gmaj7  A
Lay my life be-fore   You

     G             A
I'll bow my head before Your glory
G                         D
Worship at Your feet
    G                 A
And I'll declare that You are worthy
     G              A
I'll set my eyes on You alone and

D              F#m7
I will lift my hands to You
        G                  A             A/C#
Saying "Father I love You, Father I need You."
D              F#m7
I will lift my voice and sing
       G                       A           D
I will sing of Your glory, the glory of my King