set(9): As We Seek Your Face / Jesus Draw Me Close , Jesus Paid It All , Spirit Break Out , Let My Words Be Few , I Exalt Thee , Ven Espiritu Ven , You Are My King (Amazing Love) , There is Power in the Blood , O Come to the Altar
O Come to the Altar
By: | Chris Brown | Mack Brock | Steven Furtick | Wade Joyce |
Key: D

Verse 1:
D             G                      D
Are you hurting and broken within
     G                             Bm
Over-whelmed by the weight of your sin
Jesus is calling
D              G                      D
Have you come to the end of yourself
       G                           Bm
Do you thirst for a drink from the well
Jesus is calling

D                Em                Bm                            G    D
O come to         the altar          the Father's arms are open wide
D                 Em                       Bm                             G     D
Forgiveness        was bought with            the precious blood of Jesus Christ

Verse 2:
D              G                         D
Leave be-hind your regrets and mis-takes
        G                        Bm
Come to-day there's no reason to wait
Jesus is calling
D                G                          D
Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy
         G                   Bm
From the ashes a new life is born
Jesus is calling

|D  |D  |Bm |Bm |G   |G   |

          D                Bm
Oh what a Savior, isn't He wonderful
          G                     D
Sing alle-luia, Christ is risen
         Dsus D                   Bm
Bow down be - fore Him, for He is Lord of all
          G                     D
Sing alle-luia, Christ is risen

Verse 3:
D               G                         D
Bear your cross as you wait for the crown
         C            G/B             D
Tell the world of the treasure you've found