set(8): As We Seek Your Face / Jesus Draw Me Close , Jesus Paid It All , Spirit Break Out , Let My Words Be Few , I Exalt Thee , Ven Espiritu Ven , Fall in This Place , Great Are You Lord ,
By: | Chris Quilala | Dustin Smith | Joshua Silverberg | Stuart Garrard |
Key: A
F#mC#mD E

Verse 1:
F#m                           C#m
The One who made the blind to see
Is moving here in front of me, moving here in front of me
F#m                           C#m
The One who made the deaf to hear
Is silencing my every fear, silencing my every fear

I believe in You
I believe in You
A                               E
You're the God of mira-cles (2x)

Verse 2:
The One who does impossible
Is reaching out to make me whole, reaching out to make me whole
The One who put death in its place
His life is flowing through my veins, His life is flowing through my veins

D E A/C#F#m

D                          E
The God who was and is to come
A/C#                      F#m
The power of the risen One
D                             E
The God who brings the dead to life
You're the God of miracles, You're the God of miracles